Friday 2 August 2013

In the beginning - Life can be a struggle

I send a lot of time thinking about how i should feel about life, my family, and the world in general.
I do this because there is a distinct lack of me actually feeling that way about my life and i intellectually know how lucky i am in life.  Home, family, job, marriage, kids, food, warmth, and the list goes on of things i have to be grateful for.
In the face of all that amazing stuff, i struggle.  I'm not going to go into that because it makes me sound like an ungrateful prat and it makes me feel like one even more.  But instead of thinking about how i should be feeling about my world I've recently decided to try making some positive steps towards actually feeling that way about life.
Step one, has been to clean my house up, a work in progress ad one that goes very slowly in the face of two wee folk who have learned to be messy and lazy from their parents.
My second step is to make this blog.  It's a largely personal journey mostly for me.
The goal i have here is to find the beauty and wonder in my life.  every day, to look until i find it, to stop and appreciate it, to take a photo of it, to remember that moment, that scene, or that feeling instead of doing what i do most naturally and that's allow my grumpy and more negative emotions and thoughts rule how i see the world.
So this is day 1.  It's only 9.02am so i have no reason for not starting today...when we leave the house i'll be armed with my camera and the mind set of seeing the beauty in my world.
Wish me well.

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